A Relax Video Episode❤️276

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Thanks to my patient for sharing her story! They found my videos on YouTube after having a painful bump on her neck and going to an urgent care with no relief. Afterwards within 24-48 hours it just blew up with inflammation and severe pain while sleeping or moving her neck so they came to me. When women are pregnant it can complicate treatment greatly. I try to avoid most antibiotics and use minimal lidocaine to anesthetize and minimal kenalog to break down contents and inflammation. Patients can be more susceptible to stress induced syncope, which is why I was watching her closely for pallor, sweating, etc.. and laid her flat the second I saw her symptoms arising. Her culture was negative for atypical bacteria growth, just some skin flora on culture , which is what we usually see on cy*ts that have breached their sac. She felt much better instantly and within 24-48 hours was free of pain! Thanks for popping by